A French illusionist finds himself out of work and travels to Scotland, where he meets a young woman. Last screened by the Film Society at the very start of the cold winter of 2010.
French animation - The Illusionist Sunday 6 October: 12:00 A French illusionist finds himself out of work and travels to Scotland, where he meets a young woman. Last screened by the Film Society at the very start of the cold winter of 2010. Cert PG, 80 mins, French, English, Gaelic £7; Unwaged/Students/Under 16s £6; In-person Door Sales: £7.50; Unwaged/Students/Under 16s £6.50 Buy in advance for The Gold Rush, The Illusionist and Lunana - A Yak in the Classroom for £15; Concessions £12 Supported by Film Hub Scotland, part of the BFI’s Film Audience Network, and funded by Screen Scotland and National Lottery funding from the BFI.